
Showing posts from April, 2014

The Make-Up Double Standard

The Make-Up Double Standard Hi world! Here is a sensitive topic for you to brush off- How does Katy Perry look without make-up?  LOL, No! I am joking! While you may be more interested in this picture than the reason why our society is so obsessed with make-up, I feel the need to take this curiosity of yours and turn it around. Back to the K.P., she does look great either way!  Now, do yourself a favor and keep reading, will ya?! Satisfaction guaranteed ;) While me, myself and I, alongside billions of other people in this world- both male and female- are part of the target population for the make-up and beauty industry, the reason behind all of us using make-up is, sort of, the elephant in the room. Many studies in psychology have showed significant correlations between perceived physical attractiveness and authority in the Western Societies a.k.a. we all look up and trust those who quote on quote look good a.k.a. have flawless skin, dress according to the la...