
Showing posts from August, 2014

The Sense of Time (Part 2) - How to become the SENSE-a-tional YOU in your LIFE-TIME

Happy Saturday World ! Someone I knew twelve years ago said: "We can always make more money, we can never make more time" Doesn't it feel like every TIME you think about what you want to accomplish, all that you choose and want somehow relates to having things? Material things? A lavish lifestyle? A six digit bank statement? Then, the questions come naturally: What do I need to become in order to have this luxurious lifestyle and the shekels to make it all happen? Should I be a doctor? A lawyer? Own a business? Become an investor? The President of the United States? How much TIME do I spend in school? How much TIME do I kiss bottoms? How much TIME will it take for me to become the President? It will take an entire lifetime... If these are the questions that are being asked ! While not everyone wants to make $100,000 a month, I would say it's safe to assume that most of us would love to make a minimum of $10,000 a month. So how many Benjamins is that...

The Sense of Time (Part 1) - Why president Obama and you DON'T have the same 24hours in a day

Happy Thursday World! There is something to be said about this social and scientific phenomenon called T.I.M.E. It seems that lately the phrase "I don't have time" is gaining the same stigma as "The dog ate my homework"... Or doesn't it? Maybe the dog actually ate your homework! I know mine started chewing on my client's contract once- they made a mess.  But, the question still remains... Do we or do we NOT have the same 24 hours in a day as President Obama?  Well... Not really, we do not! But, we do all have 24 hours... I'm so confused Andrina ! :(  Allow me to launch a firework in your dark skies! Having been working in sales and marketing for the past six years, I came to know a few tricks that would have you sign on the dotted line. One of them is the time paradox; if your objection is "I don't have time", then the statement follows " We all have the same 24 hours in a day! So it's probabl...

How to prepare for LIFE's curveballs

Happy Friday World!  It took me a little while to decide what topic to target as my first official Live  Life Through Your Senses post.... But I have it now! Yuppy!  Curveballs ... Somebody even asked me what that terms is (insert Duuh!) And then it got me thinking... We all experience curveballs i.e. life's bitterness, at different times in our lives. Some of us have their first taste from the earliest age of three or four years old if we do happen to be born in a mentally or economically poor family. Others get a spoonful in their adulthood when their 20+ years job is being outsourced to India. All in all, curveballs come in all different sizes and shapes and.... You guessed it! C.I.R.C.U.M.S.T.A.N.C.E.S.  Now, you would probably assume that I will bring in some research on circumstances, maybe some brain imaging on fmri to show you the actual areas of the brain that get activated when we go through our sorrows? Well, lets not do tha...