
Showing posts from September, 2014

Energy Management (Part 2): How to create the SENSE-a-tional life and career you deserve

Happy Monday World! What do you want to be when you grow up? That is one of the first questions we get asked when we start becoming reasonable little humans. Didn't you use to love answering this question? Didn't it make you feel like once you've said it, you will become it? And it'll be worth all of your energy ?  Just a snap of a finger, or at least that's what you thought, and you would become an astronaut, or a doctor, or a lawyer? And you would wake up every morning, sun will shine through your shutters and life will blissfully happen... While having a child's fearless thinking and restless energy in an adult world is, some may argue, the secret to success, deciding on a career at an early age based on cartoon stories and parental expectations can be detrimental to our existence. Why? Who, at the age of five, would say that when they grow up they want to make a change in the world and become a Thinking Strategist? E.X.A...

Energy Management (Part 1): How to create a beautiful mind

Happy Friday World! We are energy! From the electrons gravitating around the nucleus inside our atoms, to the feeling that we project on others, we are energy. We consume energy and we radiate energy. How do we manage it though? It is not surprising that 45% of Americans lack energy during their day *  when all that we encounter in this society is aiming to suck all the love and happiness out of us. There are all kinds of energy consuming monsters... like job pressure, money management, health risks, faulty relationships to name a few. But how can we manage it all without feeling the burnout or collapsing in the middle of a Zumba class (Yes, it happened!)? Busy schedules have a devilish way of making us forget the most precious of our gifts - our own energy distribution. We forget how to take care of ourselves and prioritize all other ambitions at the risk of neglecting the one, the only... T.H.Y.S.E.L.F. This is a four part post on how to manage our energy a...

The Sense of Time (Part 4) - Make every day SENSE-a-tional !

Happy Tuesday World! Does it seem like the days just pass? Just like that! Wake up, get ready, make small talk, work, eat, social media, sleep, repeat. It is the curse of our society and also the tipping point - besides war, there is nothing that could be more T.I.M.E. consuming than our lives in a fast paced world when you feel guilty for chewing your food at lunch time and using the restroom more than once while at work. Back in 2012 studies have found that one in ten Americans suffer from depression * , and 20% of Canadians will go through a major depression period in their life spam * . Yicks! How did we come to this? Why are we spending our days being depressed rather than vibrantly living each and every single moment? Why does our cappuccino even taste like depresso instead of SENSE-a-tionally nourishing? There used to be a time when we would wake up in the morning, take a deep breath in and feel the cool air through our nostrils. The air would be thin ...

The Sense of Time (Part 3) - Three Secrets of SENSE-a-tional TimeManagement

Happy Labour Day World! "This is a fast-paced world This is a fast-paced world But it would be nothing, nothing Without time management skills"  I took the liberty to change a legend's song lyrics and adjust them to the real issue these days... T.I.M.E. M.A.N.A.G.E.M.E.N.T. While some of us have all the time in the world to throw spaghetti on the ground, have Barbie doll parties, and be grumpy when wearing a hat, others have no time at all to do anything. Or is there something we are missing? Maybe a skill? This skill is called learning the art of SENSE-a-tional time management.  As we have moved from a generation of thinkers to doers, from small cities to metropolis, from calligraphy letters to e-mails, house wives to pink empires, one wife to multiple divorcees, our time and duties have shaped us into the "who has the time to (insert concern)" generation. While Part 1 and Part 2 of the Sense of Time took us from a philosophical sch...