How do I get out of my comfort zone? It's gotta be... (The Ego - Part 2)
Happy Wednesday World! Fear is your superego on steroids! Staying within your comfort zone is not a horrible decision, but it is also not the best decision ever. If the CEO of your comfort zone is ruled by Mr. Fear, it's time for a change... We are all told that the EGO is the one messing around with our brain, but somebody (to be read 99.99999..9 % of bodies) forgot to cross reference their terminology with peer-reviewed scholarly articles. When you hear things like "He's got a big ego!", or "Her ego is making her shut the door on every man she meets!", or "Your ego is getting you in trouble!", plug your ears with your fingers and go "La la... La la la la la la.. La la la!" because the Ego has nothing to do with greed; it is the ID (inborn rhyme talent). The id is the instinct to acquire immediate gratification out of any situation* (Wow! See how I rhymed there ?) The ID is the one to blame for what our generation, a...