Showing posts from 2013
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Dads and other great things... Hola amigos! I am officially back in business/Canada/Ontario/Toronto/Joeys- haha! (For those who don't know, Joeys is a Canadian restaurant). Yes, I do like the Eaton location. I know it is not Wednesday, and I don't have a video for you, but I have something more special to celebrate - MY DAD! It's his birthday today, December 1st, and I already bought him a few souvenirs from my trip to California, but the bigger present is in the making, as you are reading. My mom and dad when I was an embryo... If you are a woman, dads can be overprotective, intuitive and sometimes creepy when it comes to prospect (what is considered a good match vs. 'trash' for thy child). This is a given truth, it will never change and the ultimate purpose of it is YOUR happiness, regardless of whether you are a boy or a girl. Figuratively speaking (of course), your dad is this shield ready to take on all sorts of swords, sparrows, bludgeons, and she...
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The Cayucos Reminisce.... As I am taking in the old books scent inside the Book Bar at The Rex Hotel, San Francisco, I reminisce this morning - November 28, 2013. I think about the first glimpse of sun rays beaming through the closed curtains, my best friend's smile as we ordered our smoothies at the local coffee joint and the ocean breeze tickling my nostrils... Today I felt every second that passed, every muscle fibre I used while climbing on an abandoned cliff and every mile we drove on the highway (with the exception of those that had passed while I dozed off on the passenger seat; I was editing this video while en route - Hello multitasking, and I fell asleep). Amazing things can happen when you travel and see new cities and sights, but most importantly, I think, is the idea of places seeing us, not us seeing places. Twisted? Hear me out! If you think of it from a static point of view, the cities and sights we visit have been there for many years, and will most likely re...
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The Voodoo Beginnings... "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance". Oscar Wilde As I am sitting here at Joey's Restaurants, with my chamomile tea steaming and my mind on ordering a Sashimi Tuna Salad, I wonder: "Why didn't I start loving myself earlier..." and, more importantly "Why was I afraid of sharing my talents, love and passion?" Is it because most people around cannot accept me for who I am: energetic, bubbly and full of life? Maybe... *I thought I would share this with you before I start the fun stuff. Ask yourself: Why aren't I starting now? What's holding me back? Acknowledge the WHY, and start working on it!* ANYWAYS... Hello world! Dina here! :) I am so excited for my first Dina Around the World video. Just last night I staid up until 3 AM to finish editing the video, and I have to tell you that now I know how it feels like to work until early AM and not be tired or bored or stressed out your mind. I ...
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All ma T.O. people ... I would like to start this post by saying THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! My first video and post was such a huge step for me, and I got nervous, excited, scared and euphoric all at the same time. But you made it so simple to enjoy each and every post, each and every comment, each and every like on my Facebook page ( )! I was smiling for 4 hours straight from the moment I hit that POST button, and I am so so happy that we will go on this journey together. Now, if you live in Toronto, or if you are planning on coming to Toronto, there are a few places that you must have on your itinerary that might not necessarily be on a touristic map. Normally, when you vacation to a new country and visit cities, towns, villages, you go ahead and grab a touristic guide and plan according to what is offered as touristic attractions, historical sight seeing or popular restaurants. I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with ...
First things first...
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Hello world, it's Dina here! First things first, this project I will be starting has been at the back of my mind for years now. It's been that annoying voice telling you to stop being a whimsy kid and start rolling the ball on what you really want to do a.k.a. Your life calling. These days, technology makes it easy to share whatever passions you may have: be it painting, blogging, singing or dancing, cooking or simply sharing your opinion on recent events- like Miley Cyrus's hammer licking video ( props Miley, atta girl! Your immune system is now stronger). So I've decided to use it and abuse it, just like the rest of us! I used to be anti-Facebook and other social channels because I thought it is a waste of time. My current answer is... It's super healthy in small dosages! Anyways, point is, the only thing that held me back, and I suppose many other people around the world, was fear. Fear of doing what you like and being judged by your family, friends, co-wor...