Why Live. Life. Through Your Senses ?

Why Live. Life. Through Your Senses ? I have been asking myself this question for most of my life... The answer never came back to me the way I was expecting it to. And here is how I was expecting it: enrol in university, get a degree, get a kick ass job, find a man, get married, have two kids, watch them grow old and have their kids, be a mom once again but this time around for my grandchildren, retire, travel the world, and one day look up to the sky and have my entire life flash before my eyes as my flame allays. The tricky side to this is that I am barely half way through this entire process, and I already know that this prototype of life is not in my path. It is a beautiful path, nonetheless, but it doesn't seem to match with what's been happening in my life so far... I did follow it in the beginning: I switched from Nursing to Psychology at the University of Toronto, had a man I almost married, had a great job in sales, had and still have my kids a.k....