Why Live. Life. Through Your Senses ?

Why Live. Life. Through Your Senses ?

I have been asking myself this question for most of my life...

The answer never came back to me the way I was expecting it to.  And here is how I was expecting it: enrol  in university, get a degree, get a kick ass job, find a man, get married, have two kids, watch them grow old and have their kids, be a mom once again but this time around for my grandchildren, retire, travel the world, and one day look up to the sky and have my entire life flash before my eyes as my flame allays.

The tricky side to this is that I am barely half way through this entire process, and I already know that this prototype of life is not in my path. It is a beautiful path, nonetheless, but it doesn't seem to match with what's been happening in my life so far...

I did follow it in the beginning: I switched from Nursing to Psychology at the University of Toronto, had a man I almost married, had a great job in sales, had and still have my kids a.k.a. my two lovely dogs... but it all seemed incomplete. I felt unfulfilled. I felt like there is more to life than looking good on paper and showing it off to the world...

I would love to get personal and spill it all out, but it would be premature of me, and also, useless to you at this stage in our relationship ;). If you haven't noticed yet, we A.R.E. in a relationship... You&Me! (insert heart)

I will thus selectively (Ha ha!) share with you why I live my life through my senses. It is your choice to give it a try, make your own decisions and live with them.

It all started with... caffeine.  No, wait! It needs a grand opening like such:

It all started (moment of suspense) with C.A.F.F.E.I.N.E.

A few years back, I was walking the streets of midtown Toronto, more specifically, on Eglinton Ave. East towards Yonge St., when my eyes fixated on this triangular sign; in the middle - a cartoon bulldog face. The shop was small, four tables on the street patio, neutral colours and wood on the inside, a big stainless steel looking machine in the middle of the counter, and a Japanese guy on the other side of it asking: "What can I make for you ?"

I had to think for a second there, because it was the first time that I stepped foot into a cafe, other than the infamous Starbucks. Not to mention that my knowledge of caffeinated beverages pretty much resumed to "Can I have a small bold coffee, please?". And the frequency of this phrase would be once every two weeks... So when the Japanese guy on the other side of the counter asked "What can I make for you?" my immediate answer was ... Can you guess?

Then I said: "Wait! Maybe today is the day to try something new!"

 He looked at me and smiled.

 I followed up saying: " I don't really drink coffee, so I am not sure what to get."

"Why don't you try a Bulldog then!", he answered.

"What's a Bulldog?", I asked.

"It's similar to a cappuccino!", he replied.

"Great!", I said. "Let's do that!"

Since I wasn't really a coffee drinker, I thought to myself that I will most likely toss it in the garbage bin the moment I step out of the coffee shop. (I know... I used to be a waste maker - I'm a changed woman now!)

But what followed was completely eye opening. NO! It was life-changing. 

In front of my eyes lied this caramel foam in a paper cup, in the middle of it - a white swan. 

It blew my mind!

It was like the first time I saw La Gioconda... I couldn't stop starring at it, and above all, I couldn't stop the aromatic smell of the espresso. I was invaded by this amazing scent of dark chocolate and nutty accents, and I kept taking deep breaths, my eyes opening up wide and my nostrils flaring to take it all in. I never knew coffee could do this to a human... to me!

And that was it...

We always talk about these happenings in our lives when we have revelations and AHA! moments. Those times when the world makes sense again. The time when you start noticing the little miracles of life - you know, the ones you have been ignoring for a long time? 

These days, it is very common for us to come across articles like "100 things you should do before you die" or "Twelve things that can change your life" or "The five secrets to being successful".  And my favourite "Lose two sizes in ten days". It seems that everywhere you turn, people are telling you what to do and how to live your life, the criteria by which you should feel that your life is fulfilled; a criteria made by society, for you. 

When will it stop ?

If you haven't had your AHA! moments yet, stay open and they will come to you. If you are starting your journey of revelations, then welcome to the other side!

All we need is one moment... in time... to create a mental shift... in the way we see our life unfolding. 

And the only way to allow for that to happen is through your senses: what you hear, what you touch, what you smell, what you taste and what you see will create that unique emotion inside of you, that AHA! moment, that will change your life completely!

Ladies and Gents...

Welcome to Live. Life. Through Your Senses. !


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