Three gifts that will make you stand out and put a big smile on the face of all grown-up kids

Happy Holiday Gifting World!

'Tis the season to Give Give Give and Get Get Get, and everyone is going crazy with shopping lists and festivities preparation.

Alongside chocolate and sweets, sweaters and pjs, loofahs and scrubs, Ferarris and Mazdas (or a Jeep for myself :P ) are other great gift ideas, outlined below for your convenience (HAHA!).

I have personally gifted others and received some of these gifts, and found them to be so rewarding, so fulfilling, so SENSE-a-tional, I had to share them with you!

To make life easier and save some time, each category has direct links with more information, as well as checkout procedure.

Here are three gifts that will give you the title of Gift Extraordinaire.

You are welcome!


#1.Gifts of Culture and Art

TIFF Bell Lightbox (tiff), Royal Ontario Musem (ROM), Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM), Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), The National Ballet of Canada (NBC) all have the same thing in common - the expression and cultivation of art.

If your finances allow, get that person who lives and breaths art a year long membership to any of the art institutions in your city- they will love you for life. Another great idea is to purchase double tickets for 1 or 2 or 3 shows and exhibitions that you know you both love. Wrap them pretty, or place them in a beautiful gift box - presentation always matters to those who love art - and stay tuned for the big smile on their face once they open the gift of culture and art.

#2. Gifts of Health and Wellness

Nutrition counselling, deep tissue massage, hot yoga, facials and manicures are all welcome all year round, however, during the holiday season they seem to be replaced by the continuous holiday preparations, endless cash line-ups and anxiety attacks from price tags.

A 5, 10 or 20 punch cards for lane swimming*, 3 personal training sessions */**, 5 nutrition counselling sessions*, one month of unlimited hot yoga* all say "Your health is important and you deserve the best- the gift of wellbeing". These are just a few of my favorites, and if you know another great health and wellness gift not stated here, share it with us and spread the gift of love and health!

#3. Gifts of Wisdom

Maturity is a state of mind where one recognizes that the my way or the highway mentality is outdated and impractical in most of the things we do, and in doing so, acknowledges the thirst for personal development and growth.

Books on topics and hobbies that are of interest, day or weekend workshops on goal setting, time management or even french cooking and baking, conferences of different industries and purposes are authentic gifts for those who submerge themselves in a life of reason and wisdom. 


Finding a common theme within the gifts above?

I do too... It is the gift of experience for the gift of life.

Buying things for Christmas or Hanuka or any other holiday celebrations are great, yet there comes a time when things change their status from gifts to necessities, and the holidays are way too far to wait because we need it now. Moreso, there comes a time when we can all afford to buy things for ourselves without having to write to Santa ;)

Things are fine!

Experiences... Priceless!

Are there any authentic gifts you have received or given, that have made you stand out? 
Share it in the comment below!

Happy gifting!



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