
How to create an empowering vision board for 2015

Happy Wednesday World! "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision" - Helen Keller And that is exactly why vision boards have become as popular as red velvet muffins! Mmm... Red. Velvet. Muufiiins. Not to kill your buzz, but vision boards are becoming this fantasy land where dreams come true just by wishing it. When I initially watched that movie everyone praises " The Secret ", I started thinking about one of their tips, which was to simply create a vision board of the future you so desire, and then take the time to visualize and visualize and visualize... And so I did, but nothing really happened! And a plethora of studies are now looking into the law of attraction and visualization.  Pham and Taylor (1999) have been studying this phenomenon for almost a decade, and have found, study after study, that the conversion of the vision board to reality is only made possible when visualizing the process and steps to be ta...

How can I see if I am REALLY happy?

How can I see if I am REALLY happy? Speed Mentoring from The Live Your Passion Business and Lifestyle Mentor, Melyssa Moniz   Real happiness is not just about being happy in a single moment. Happiness is a way of life, an attitude that affects everything you do and everything you are. Building real happiness is a life time process, and instead of keeping it a mystery, here are some self-reflective questions that can help you build your happiness starting NOW .  Creating a pattern of joy and gratitude in your life is the simplest way to develop a happier outlook on life. If you want to discover whether or not you are really happy, use the following questions to gauge how happy you are: 1.         Do you live in the moment?  People who are unhappy are constantly living in the past or worrying about the future. While it is important to learn from past mistakes and relationships, dwell...

The 7/11 senses- move every day to this choreo

Happy Tuesday World!  I've decided to use the good'ol call of action marketing strategy and have your buns moving to this 7/11 song by Beyoncé. There is nothing better than to be in motion: walk, run, climb stairs or... Dance!  Dancing awakens the senses, plants fire in your mind and brings peace to your heart. So, here is a dance routine that I teach in my Zumba Fitness classes, and everyone loves it.  Please steal this choreo and teach it in your class! Let me know how you like it and how your participants like it!  Loads of booty shaking love coming your way, from my booty to yours! Haha! For more life loving, fun sharing, passion making videos, subscribe to my channel !  oxx,

Sense of beauty: Five tips on Everyday Radiance, makeup and feeling beautiful

Live. Life. Through Your Senses is dedicated to painting a different picture of the world as we know it. We are passionate about  edgy, bold and authentic people who are experts in their field and want to make a positive change in the world. Natalia Solar is one of them... Toronto-born makeup artist Natalia Solar , is most known for her unmatched passion and creative edge in the makeup industry.  Natalia is a graduate of the Complections Institute and continues to hone her craft and update her skills.  As an avid traveller, she has had the pleasure of artfully creating radiance through makeup, for celebrities, models, performers and a variety of women and men, all over the world. Natalia owns her own make-up company, Nomadic Beauty, and when not on set, she enjoys Torontonian nightlife, nature, and... writing! Here is Natalia..  RA·DI·ANCE ˈ rādēəns/ noun noun: radiance 1. 1 . light or heat as emitted or reflected by something. synony...

2015 resolutions that make you better, not newer!

Happy Friday World! Can we please stop! Stop this madness of New Year, New YOU! Change takes time, and depending on the type of changes we are looking to achieve i.e. eating a healthier version of a breakfast versus escaping chronic depression, there are but two mechanisms that will work: consistency and patience . Consistency provides that instant satisfaction of "getting it done", while patience soothes you ID's greediness of wanting it NOW or never. It would be great if we could all wait in line at the Change Machine, step inside, hear that "Fhssssss!" noise, and walk out as a new version of us: perfect body shape of a model, flawless skin, CEO of a big company, six figures in your savings account, no fears of anxieties... Just like that, here comes the  new you! Well, the truth is that we are amazing, and at times we get lost in the hardship of life, and mistake that period of time with an entire lifestyle. In other words, we get down and...

Dear 2015 resolutions... (If 2015 were my new ex-boyfriend)

Happy 2015 World! Dear 2015, I don't know where to start with you. I am tempted to make the same mistakes as I did in the past, get excited, and start writing down two pages long of resolutions that we both know won't do either of us any good. Let' get real, please! I need us to get real! We both know that we will go through the honeymoon phase where we get excited about losing those 20 pounds, getting a new haircut, making new friends, becoming a better person and bumping into the realest of them all . For those first few weeks, it will be all smiles and giggles and butterflies, then  ... Then something will go wrong! The beauty I once saw in you, the craftsman of perfection, the flawless connection, the fiery passion that made us dance on our toes to the beat of a tango will run away to the land of wake up sister . We will both sober up from this drunken impression of love and possibility. I will say to myself "I thought you were going...

Three gifts that will make you stand out and put a big smile on the face of all grown-up kids

Happy Holiday Gifting World! 'Tis the season to Give Give Give and Get Get Get, and everyone is going crazy with shopping lists and festivities preparation. Alongside chocolate and sweets, sweaters and pjs, loofahs and scrubs, Ferarris and Mazdas (or a Jeep for myself :P ) are other great gift ideas, outlined below for your convenience (HAHA!). I have personally gifted others and received some of these gifts, and found them to be so rewarding, so fulfilling, so SENSE-a-tional, I had to share them with you! To make life easier and save some time, each category has direct links with more information, as well as checkout procedure. Here are three gifts that will give you the title of G ift Extraordinaire . You are welcome! Ready... Set... Gift! #1.Gifts of Culture and Art TIFF Bell Lightbox ( tiff ), Royal Ontario Musem ( ROM ), Royal Conservatory of Music ( RCM ), Art Gallery of Ontario ( AGO ), The National Ballet of Canada ( NBC ) all have the same thi...