How can I see if I am REALLY happy?
How can I see if I am REALLY happy?
Speed Mentoring from The Live Your Passion Business and Lifestyle Mentor, Melyssa Moniz
Real happiness is not just about being happy in a single moment. Happiness is a way of life, an attitude that affects everything you do and everything you are. Building real happiness is a life time process, and instead of keeping it a mystery, here are some self-reflective questions that can help you build your happiness starting NOW. Creating a pattern of joy and gratitude in your life is the simplest way to develop a happier outlook on life. If you want to discover whether or not you are really happy, use the following questions to gauge how happy you are:
1. Do you live in the moment?
People who are unhappy are constantly living in the past or worrying about the future. While it is important to learn from past mistakes and relationships, dwelling on them can drag down your present. In that same way, worrying about your future, especially about things you do not have control over will ruin your happy attitude. Instead, focus on the right now and what is going on right now. The more focused you are on the PRESENT moment, the happier you will be.2. Do you have positive relationships?
While a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife can significantly boost your happiness, this does not just apply to significant others. Very few people can achieve real, enduring happiness all alone. The people you surround yourself with will either negatively or positively affect your happiness quotient, so choose people that truly uplift you, make you feel better about yourself, and do not drag you down. The worst thing you can do building a positive attitude is only associate with people that are unhappy all the time. You are the average of your 5 closest relationships, so assess the happiness levels of each of those people. Do you positively relate to these people, or are these relationships strained? unfulfilling? depressing? Oddly enough, many unhappy people continuously surround themselves with those of like-nature. Gauge your own happiness by looking at how your friends and family feel. Chances are you are mirroring their attitudes and behaviours. The more you focus on creating positive relationships, the greater your happiness will be.3. Do you know how to react to stress?
Stress can be beneficial to your system, but too much stress is never good. There are going to be stresses no matter how much you love your partner, children, job, business and/or life. Stress is natural actually, but those who do know how to deal with it still live happy, full lives, despite whatever stress occurs. To de-stress, be sure to try different things and find a healthy outlet for your frustration and difficulties—because you will have both. If you stew in them, you will never be happy, but if you find a way to let them go and even use them to propel you forward, you will find happiness. Respond vs. reacting to stress, let go vs. holding on, and love vs. fearing. Seek professional guidance if dealing with stress is difficult and becoming an overwhelming issue.
4. Are you too focused on money?
A lot of life seems to be spent attempting to get money. We spend the majority of our lives working to ensure that we have enough money. And while it is important to be comfortable, putting undue importance on money will obliterate any happiness you might have had. Instead of valuing “things,” value people and positive relationships. Things won’t make you happy—but the choice to BEING happy will. Money is a tool that is meant to be respected, but not worshipped. And when you choose to "worship" a tool, you give away your power of choice. Choose in light of living your best life - Choose to BE Happy, in every moment of now.
Want more? Come over to my YouTube channel and check out this video
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