M.B.S. Cleansing

is a beautiful -10 degrees in Toronto and I am all enthusiastic about new beginnings, spring 2014, the sun rays brushing my cheese white face, my footsteps on the sidewalk left by my brand new flats, my floral print jacket getting blown by the mild winds and I breath in the fresh cleansing air... Cleansing air... *close your eyes and take a deep breath in.... Hhhhhhhhhh... Aaaaaaaaa!*

Most times the concept of cleansing, to the average person, translates into following a crazy diet, going on pills, taking some laxative products, drinking lemon with water for breakfast, lunch and dinner, taking meal replacements, cold pressing fruits and vegetables, steaming in the sauna for 1 hour and outrunning fat on the treadmill until you fall flat on your face and wake up in the intensive care section in a white, sterile bed.

My head hurts just by trying to proof read the paragraph that I just wrote! I mean, c'mon, how much more of this pure B.S. are we going to take? Unless you like to torture yourself and punish yourself for no damn reason, this type of cleansing should be handcuffed, thrown in jail and then buried deep into the magma of Earth, because there is no place for it in my paradise universe.

Modern cleansing is stressful.... Oh my greatness, it is so stressful! Not only on your body but on your mind and spirit as well. Why, you ask? Because it's a way of punishing yourself. Why do you need to cleanse? Because you are intoxicated? Why do you get intoxicated? Because you feel bad about yourself and look for instant gratification in alcohol, drugs, food, unsafe sex, flesh cutting and the list goes on? Why do you do all these things? Because you feel you are not enough? Why do you feel you are never enough? Because others put you down? And what happens when you are down? You forget about the real YOU!

What is there to do ? Let me sing you a few lyrics...

"But it broke his heart so he stuck his little finger
To the world, to the world, to the world " - Kevin Rudolf- Let it rock

O.K, maybe that won't help as much as I thought, but it's still better than all those things that have been listed...

Here are 3 'unorthodox' ways of cleansing:


There is more than enough research out there looking into all possible ways that our thoughts influence our lives. From people who envisioned their elderly years to be a certain way and those years coming true, to broke a$$ dreamers who saw themselves rocking a crow and became the music we dearly nominate for Grammies, to drug addicts who replaced needles with pen and paper. You see, anything we imagine of ourselves, any fear, any glimpse of success, any anxious feeling can become REALITY. The thought will materialize if you think it enough and it doesn't matter if it's the case of 'fake it till you make it' or 'I am a failure'. You might say, 'Well, I can't think positive my teacher is grading me poorly, my boss is giving me crap or my friend cancels on me last minute'. You can... Here is how!

1. Set aside 10 minutes a day when you simply think about how you want your life to be. When you start this mental exercise, it will be hard to block other thoughts, so for the first few months, write it all down, find a place that you consider serene, and read it out loud over, and over, and over, and over, and over... and over again. How long should you focus on the same message? Until you start believing it! Until you own it! Until the thought itself comes as natural as breathing! What message to write down? Anything and everything that you want in your life from family, to friends, to lovers, to wealth, to health, to hobbies, to accomplishments, to experiences. Pick one area of your life, take the infinite desire brush and start painting your canvas.

2.Read. As much as you can, anything you can put your hands on, as many subjects as possible. Reading brings perspective, it brings diversity, it brings insight from others to you. It is important to have an opinion about anything and everything, but more important than owning your opinion is basing it on lots and lots of information. And we just discovered another way, the intelligent way, of backing it up - someone tell Miley Sirus about this post! HAHA! But really now, knowing and understanding the meaning of collective wisdom (i.e. having knowledge without 'hitting YOUR head against the wall' and simply observing and collecting information from around you) is the best way to pride yourself with the concept of being 'OPEN MINDED'.


There really is no secret here and you can simply Google search types of cleansing and get thousands of articles on how to do it the fastest, longest, most efficient and cost effective. Want to do it my way? Eat good, earthy, nutritious and juicy meals - you know those that don't cook themselves in 5 minutes or come in a box, and you will be cleansing every single day. Your body is made to rid itself of anything that's not meant to be inside, but it cannot do it when you bombard it with things like alcohol, drugs, fast food, late nights out with your buddies and smoke clouds of regrets! If you are really seeking happiness and good times, your body can give that to you. A happy and productive body will always create a happy life of surfing the waves of California waters, hiking the mountains of Austria, tasting the pizzas of Italy, praying in the churches of Russia, gasping at the sight of African lions, and tangoing the streets of Buenos Aires. Treat your body like royalty and it will treat you like a King!


This word and other words that associate with spirit and soul are a bit confusing to me. There is research talking about spirits from a quantum physics perspective, for example the energy of a human being is considered the spirit, and there are also other religious and cultural views on the soul as a divine entity that lives within ones body and then travels to another place. My definition of having a good spirit is tied to feelings and emotions. Nurturing the soul, for me, means allowing myself to feel... anything and everything. In today's society, you are taught to toughen up, be a man, act like a lady should, swallow your tears, suck it up, be a soldier and a bunch of other nonsense crabs served for you on a platter with a note saying 'This is what success looks like!'

The simplest most effective way to know how you feel about yourself and the world around you is to ASK. Ask yourself this question : "HOW DO I FEEL ABOUT THIS?". Ask it when you eat a meal in 3 minutes, when you see that person walking on the street and you the itch to know them better, when you take a walk in the park on a sunny day, when disagreeing with your boss... Ask yourself 'How do I feel about this?'. Is there something else that is triggering this reaction I am having right now? What is it? If you are having a bite of the triple chocolate cake, how does that make you feel? Are you enjoying and savoring it and feeling good about it? Or are you thinking to yourself that you shouldn't have it, 'cuz it's so bad for you but you feel like $hit so you are going to have to make you feel better? Well, how do you feel about this? 
I won't start a research paper on it, but I will tell you this... Feeling contempt and fulfilled with decision that come from a happy state of mind will in turn bring peace to your spirits. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

So... try it and let me know how you are doing!

Oh, and   here is some amazing practical advise on living a cleaner life by detoxing your closet! 

Don't forget to rate, comment and follow Dina Around the World! 
@DinaAroundTheWorld on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Soon to come... Colossal News!

Take good care of yourself World!



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