The Cayucos Reminisce....

As I am taking in the old books scent inside the Book Bar at The Rex Hotel, San Francisco, I reminisce this morning - November 28, 2013. I think about the first glimpse of sun rays beaming through the closed curtains, my best friend's smile as we ordered our smoothies at the local coffee joint and the ocean breeze tickling my nostrils... Today I felt every second that passed, every muscle fibre I used while climbing on an abandoned cliff and every mile we drove on the highway (with the exception of those that had passed while I dozed off on the passenger seat; I was editing this video while en route - Hello multitasking, and I fell asleep).

Amazing things can happen when you travel and see new cities and sights, but most importantly, I think, is the idea of places seeing us, not us seeing places. Twisted? Hear me out!

If you think of it from a static point of view, the cities and sights we visit have been there for many years, and will most likely remain in the same place for longer than our lifespan. If we were to take the streets of LA as one point of reference, and give them a persona and character, it turns out that we are passing through their life more than they are passing through ours. You, me, him, them, everybody who has walked the streets of LA has simply passed through the life of these lifeless immortals. Yesterday  I was emailing a friend from Germany, who himself has been walking the streets of LA just a week before myself. I then thought of us as history makers, not in the sense of becoming little Einsteins or winning wars, but creating history for these lifeless places.

Taking a walk on the Hollywood Boulevard has opened a different perspective for me. I wondered... how would it be if I were to meet every single person who has walked up and down this street? What would I learn about them, their family, their personal tail? Would I be able to understand us, humans, better? Would I find the love of my life, you know, the man who adores me with all my little thorns and soft petals? Would I bring back home so many memories, I would need to write 300 blog posts just to encapsulate a glimpse of what I've learned and am eager to share? Would Hollywood Boulevard, given it has a persona and character, sit down with me and tell me its favourite all time story about a stranger, someone no different than me, who lived the time of their lives on the exact same street I walked... ?

It all relates to the theory of time. Some scientist believe that time does not pass for us, but we are passing through time. Time is eternal, immortal, sacred. We have an expiry date, we are granted only a small gift of life that we hope to use as best as we know. So, we are the thread and time is the pin, not the other way around. We pass through the life of cities and sights, and not the other way around. And while we are doing just this, passing through their lives, we might as well leave them with some good stories they can share with future visitors via. living in the present. *Please note that I am not under the influence of drugs and imagining that streets can talk, but YOU need more cultivation to understand the level of writing this blog entails. So please, go back to school, if you think this post is about talking streets*.  :))

How do we live in the present? We forget about our inhibitions and observe. Have you ever walked the same street and one day you've noticed that there is a graffiti flower at the top right corner of a wall? For whatever reason you raised your gaze from the ground in front of you and looked up, or you put your phone away after running out of Facebook posts, ooooor you walked slower than normal, breathing the crisp autumn air and thought about your life, your choices, all the lessons learned. Then you walk the same street with your friend, point out the little graffiti flower in the top right corner, and everyone looks weird at you saying: "That flower has been there for almost 2 years!" You feel a bit silly and think 'How did everyone else but myself see it?' Well, it's not that your friends have Superman vision- that's a given! So open up your eyes, look around you, find the small details and acknowledge them.

I guess what I am trying to say is that starting to plan on visiting new cities/places and appreciating the sights can have a greater magnitude and leave a more significant impact on you if you start thinking about the history of that place. You will get overwhelmed by the thought of how many people have walked the same streets, how they experienced it, what memories they took home. I understand it may be a tid hard to meet me all the way with all I am saying, but think of this: wouldn't you find it wicked when you run after the 180 bus, drop your metropass, look up and see your old friend? In LA? Then you would start understanding how we are the actors casting in the sands of time. * I am considering changing my name to Smar Tipants* HAHAHA , if you didn't get that, look up where it says "*Please note that I am not under... *".

Aaaaaaaaaaad now, behold the Cayucos adventures!

You know I always love to hear your thoughts, so unleash them!



XO World!


  1. Told you , write a book , you are good!!!

    1. Haha! There is a time and place for everything. I will write my book right after you publish yours ;)


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